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Why you should insure your business

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So much finance is necessary when starting a business that it can sometimes leave the entrepreneur vulnerable. While businesses are always a sort of gamble, it shouldn’t have to be one that goes all out where the loser has to lose everything. This is one of the reasons why entrepreneurs should have their businesses insured, says business expert Michael Saltzstein. Here are other solid reasons why you should insure your business.

Protect your personal finances: If an uninsured business faces sudden hardships, entrepreneurs could be forced to use their personal funds to repair the sinking ship. For example, a business that’s sued for whatever reason will always assume that the owner be personally liable because of their level of involvement in the business. Not having insurance could wipe your finances clean with just legal fees alone.

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It’s inexpensive compared to other expenses: Financial literacy isn’t taught to every entrepreneur who’s starting their own business. Some business owners could forego insurance because they think they wouldn’t need it or that it’s too expensive. Michael Saltzstein notes that there are over 10 types of insurance that one can get for their business. Consult an insurance expert and find out what type of coverage fits your business.

Investors appreciate the safety net: A solid business insurance policy is often an element that investors look for before they invest in a business. Besides regular investors, other forms of investors like banks would give entrepreneurs cheaper loans if they know that the business is safe from unforeseeable liabilities.

Specializing in risk management and corporate insurance, Michael Saltzstein served as the Chairman for Risk Management Task Force, Local General Chairman, Local Officials Chairman, and Local Safety Chairman for USA Swimming. He has been a volunteer and official for the organization for over three decades. For more insightful reads on business and investment, visit this page.


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