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Michael Saltzstein Discusses Dynamic Leadership
Learning About Dynamic Leadership with Michael Saltzstein

Michael Saltzstein has always believed that leadership is critical in the growth and expansion of a business. Strong direction inspires employees to do their best and produce quality results.

Today, Michael Saltzstein talks about the positive effects of dynamic leadership.

First, it's important to note that dynamic leadership means questioning everything in the spirit of improvement. Even if processes and systems have been tried and tested, active leaders still look for ways to improve them. They do so even if it means finding holes in these processes and systems. To these leaders, there is always room for improvement. Also, an influential director understands that there is no perfect system, and the improvement process is never truly complete.

Dynamic leadership also always includes the rest of the team. Michael Saltzstein notes that passionate leaders seldom use the word "I" when discussing the group's future. They use words such as "We," "Us," or "Our." This inclusivity shows that these leaders value everyone else as much as themselves and that all work together instead of working just for them. This also applies when it comes time to give credit for successes in the business. As a director, praising your team empowers your employees and inspires them to do the best job they can.

Lastly, Michael Saltzstein says that dynamic leadership is always about the cup being half-full. He explains that positivity is always crucial in leadership and that dynamic leaders always manage to find a silver lining. Furthermore, they see mistakes as lessons and opportunities for improvement.

Risk management professional Michael Saltzstein specializes in alternate risk financing, loss control, technology solutions, workers' compensation, safety, occupational health and safety, crisis leadership, strategic alignment, change management, self-insured and deductible analysis, actuarial studies, retain or transfer decisions, win-win negotiations, coverage evaluation, and growth strategies. In the past, he optimized award-winning risk programs, economic strategies, reserving, best practices, and state-of-the-art coverage. For similar reads, click here.


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